Giving sweet summer vibes without the sugar! They’re the perfect treat with incredible creamy texture & so much flavour. Light & melt in the mouth too! What more could you ask from a treat…that also happens to pack in healthy ingredients & has no added sugar or chemicals. I wasn’t lying when I said the perfect treat!
What you’ll need:
Cream layer
1/2 cup cashew (soaked & drained)
1 tbsp vanilla
2 tbsp melted coconut oil
3 tbsp coconut cream
4 medjool dates
3 tbsp dried blueberries
1 cup desiccated cocoanut
1/3 cup coconut flakes
160 ml coconut cream
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 tbsp coconut oil
5 medjool dates
Tsp vanilla
How to make them...
Add the desiccated coconut, flakes and cream together with the frozen blueberries, coconut oil, dates and vanilla to a mixer and blend until all combined and resembles a thick & course mixture. Next role out the coconut mixture into small balls and place in the freezer for 20 minutes.
Next soak the cashews in boiling water for half an hour.
Then drain and add to a blender along with the melted coconut oil, coconut cream dates and dried berries. Blend together until a thick, creamy liquid consistency.
Remove the coconut balls from the fridge and roll each one in the cashew cream mixture until completely covered then place in the freezer to set for at least one hour.

New Sugar Detox Challenge Dates...
If you would like to try a low or no sugar diet then why not join my Sugar Detox Challenge. Thousands of people have already broken their sugar addiction cycle on my program and you can too! You can find more info here.
Find out about all the benefits of cutting down on sugar in the video below.